Host Tips & Strategies

How To Deal With Bad Airbnb Guests

Dealing With A Bad Guest? Here's How To Handle Them. The Guide For Dealing With Difficult Situations And Tenants In Your Rental Property. Protect Your Vacation Rental From Bad Airbnb Guests With These Helpful Tips. Managing Difficult Airbnb Guests: Expert Tips and Strategies

Maintaining a Positive Hosting Experience: Dealing with Bad Airbnb Guests

The Airbnb community is made up of millions and hundreds who enjoy rentals without much trouble. But every once in a while, someone who doesn't follow the rules will show up at your door - this article tells you how to handle them!

Every once in a while you'll get that 1% groupie whose only goal it seems like may just be causing trouble! Here we'll go over how best to deal with those pesky troublemakers so everyone can enjoy themselves without worrying about anything getting broken, dirty, or damaged.

We know that most Airbnb guests are respectful and mind their own business. But there is always a small percentage of people who like to be difficult, which unfortunately hosts must feel the brunt of it. Whether they didn’t live up to your expectations or had a hiccup in transit, here's how you can deal with bad luck from an Airbnb guest:

Essentially what we're trying to get across is this idea that 99% of Airbnb guests obey the rules and respect themselves as well as others but then there are those 1%ers - folks who either don't care about respecting other people's property or just have negative outlooks on life altogether.

Turn off the Instant Book option and identify any potential guests that may be problematic before confirming the booking.

As soon as they click ‘book’, you are stuck with them. It's not just the consequences of canceling that make this a tough decision, but also how it could lead to your account being suspended for too many cancellations and even banned altogether!

To avoid these problems, simply switch the instant book off. This way you can perform some checks on potential guests and see if they're a good fit for your business! These could include:

Checking The Guest Profile

By scouring the guest’s profile, you will be able to spot inconsistencies with a few key questions. If their profile is incomplete or unclear, they might not exist and this should raise some red flags for your team.

Quickly identify an incomplete profile by examining whether it has clear photos of them (with written information about where these are taken), full name listed as well as any verification options.

If you don't feel comfortable with a profile, send them an offer to complete their ID verification check. If they accept the offer and provide proof of identity, host them, or else red flags should start appearing in your mind.

Checking The Guest Reviews

The guest's reviews will tell you if they are likely to cause a disturbance at your event. Any review between 1 and 3 stars should be carefully considered before inviting them, as this is when the risk of problems starts to become more apparent.

A review may say that some guests are mean but they're clean and follow the rules. For others, it might be just what they needed to hear for them to keep renting out their space on Airbnb.

Ratings below 2 stars are an automatic no unless there was a one-off terrible experience that brought their rating down. If you do decide to proceed with the booking, keep in mind that they are rated this low for a reason and problems may arise if we go ahead with it anyway."

How does the guest communicate?

Communication is one of the most powerful tools for understanding people. When you meet someone, take all factors into account: tone and mannerisms over a phone call or through text messages are just as important as what they say in person.

If there's any doubt about whether it'll be worth meeting them, don't hesitate to cancel your plans! Airbnb allows cancellations up until 12 hours before check-in time so if something doesn't feel right then go ahead and nix those reservations - no hard feelings on either side here because I'd rather have an unhappy customer than risk having my property damaged by strangers who didn’t respect our home rules!

The house rules should be reiterated

The Airbnb platform allows people to engage with individuals from other cultures. As a result, you may find that guests in your home use words or phrases which are different than what would be considered normal by their host's culture - and vice versa for hosts interacting with international guests.

Both landlords & tenants must create a set of house rules before any guest arrives so everyone can understand the guidelines without needing clarification later on down the road

To avoid a bad Airbnb experience, hosts and guests alike need to understand the rules. Hosts need not worry about how they should behave when this is all laid out as expected behavior in advance so there are no surprises or misunderstandings.

And by following these simple but crucial guidelines, your guest will be able to create an equally satisfying stay with you - which means both of you can give each other five stars!

Consult them ahead of time and make sure they know the rules.

Every person has different standards when it comes to social graces. If you come across a guest who is behaving poorly, they may not be intending for their behavior to bother you at all!

It's up to the host to see if there was any misunderstanding before taking drastic measures like asking them politely but firmly that future events are canceled or removing them from your home with no hard feelings on either side.

A guest can be your best friend one minute and then turn on you the next. It’s a tough situation to deal with, but there are ways to handle it if things get out of hand or don't go according to plan.

If they're acting erratic or irrational, take a deep breath and try not to lose patience for fear that this may escalate into something more serious down the line. The most important thing is respecting these guests no matter what so as soon as possible contact Airbnb to ensure peace among all parties involved.

Special Requests

Guests are often looking for something more than what Airbnb offers, and you might be in danger of answering these requests. It is important to keep your communication professional with them so that they do not continue their efforts outside the app or website - it could put you at risk!

Communicating outside Airbnb

Airbnb is one of the most trusted and safest platforms for booking travel accommodations because they have an entire team dedicated to trust and safety! If someone reaches out outside of Airbnb, do not respond: explain this isn’t acceptable under their rules as well!

Paying Outside of Airbnb

It's important to remember that Airbnb is a much safer platform than other platforms. This is because, unlike most sites where you only see reviews from the guest or host, on Airbnb, there are two ways: both guests and hosts can review each other after interactions with one another. The key takeaway here is to never accept money outside of the site!

Booking “for a friend”

Booking a reservation for your friend? Again, this is not allowed. Airbnb believes that the person who needs to be staying in their home should be booking it beforehand too! Don’t worry though; you have full rights to deny admittance if the guest arrives and isn't your buddy.

You should always be courteous to your guest.

A guest should always be treated with the utmost respect and understanding. Remember, people come to your place of business for a reason- they're looking for something you offer or maybe even just an escape from their day!

So to keep them coming back, make sure that every customer is greeted warmly by name when he/she enters your establishment. Keep smiling no matter what kind of mood you are in because it's contagious as well as welcoming on some level so don't let anything get between you and happy customers who will tell others about how amazing your company was if given good service!!!

The way you speak to a guest is an excellent indicator of how they will react. You must be professional at all times, and if the situation becomes volatile then make sure that your tone does not escalate in intensity as well.

If you start on their side and are empathetic from the beginning, it’s more likely that this person won’t get defensive or upset with what's being said because they know someone understands where they're coming from.

However, when things go south don't criticize them for acting irrationally; instead, offer reassurance by making eye contact while speaking calmly so that communication can continue without raising tensions further

“You can't be 100% professional all the time, and that's okay. When you're done with a tough shift or just need to let off some steam, take 15 minutes for yourself before getting back into it again. Venting your frustrations out in any way is better than bottling them up inside until they explode!”

Offer solutions for your guests

When you have a bad Airbnb guest, it is important to remain professional and offer solutions. But when some guests are just plain miserable people looking for any reason to complain about their stay, there's not much that can be done but try your best with the situation at hand.

Despite this host tried everything and offered many accommodation options to make the stay more enjoyable, but still felt like she was not getting anywhere because her guest continued complaining about various things from dirty towels (even though brand new ones were waiting) or too hot water (despite having multiple heating sources), etc.

No matter the circumstance, if a guest does reach out to you and explain they are unhappy for a particular reason, work through it with them (calmly) without escalating their anger or frustration level. Remain calm when discussing solutions that do not seem to solve the problem at hand; offer an alternate solution to make things right again!

An offer to cancel the reservation may result in a change of attitude. This is because they will soon realize their reservation may be lost when you offer this extreme solution. Proposing that an issue can be fixed by canceling or changing, instead of arguing about what has already occurred, often leads to resolution.

Protect Your Investment: Discover 10 Essential Tips for Screening Rental Guests

  1. Thoroughly review guest profiles and previous reviews: Look for any red flags, negative feedback, or indications of problematic behavior.
  2. Set clear house rules and expectations: Clearly communicate your rental policies, restrictions, and any specific requirements to potential guests.
  3. Request complete and accurate guest information: Ask for full names, contact details, and the purpose of their stay to gather necessary information for screening.
  4. Use the Airbnb messaging system: Communicate directly with guests through the platform to keep a record of conversations and address any concerns.
  5. Conduct background checks, if available: Consider utilizing external screening services or online platforms to verify guest identities and check for criminal records if necessary.
  6. Trust your intuition: Pay attention to your gut feeling when reviewing inquiries and be cautious if something feels off or suspicious.
  7. Ask for references: Request references from previous hosts to gain insights into the guest's behavior and reliability.
  8. Require a security deposit: Implement a security deposit policy to protect yourself against potential damages caused by guests.
  9. Utilize instant booking cautiously: If you use instant booking, ensure you have strict requirements and filters in place to minimize the risk of problematic guests.
  10. Communicate openly and clearly: Prioritize open and honest communication with potential guests, addressing any concerns or questions you may have before confirming a reservation.

The most important tip or advice for dealing with bad Airbnb guests is to be proactive. This means communicating with your guests regularly, setting clear expectations, and being prepared to take action if necessary.

  • Communicate with your guests regularly. This will help you to build a relationship with them and to get a sense of their expectations. It is also a good way to address any concerns that they may have.
  • Set clear expectations. When you are communicating with your guests, be sure to clearly state your expectations for their behavior. This includes things like noise levels, cleaning, and smoking.
  • Be prepared to take action. If your guests are not meeting your expectations, be prepared to take action. This may involve asking them to leave, giving them a negative review, or reporting them to Airbnb.
  • Be polite and professional. Even if your guests are being difficult, it is important to remain polite and professional. This will help to diffuse the situation and to avoid making the situation worse.

Read our articles about crafting Bad or Good and Airbnb Home Rules Guide: Airbnb Review Examples


This is why it's important to be aware of how you communicate with guests and make sure that the tone of your voice stays professional. For example: If a guest asks for something unreasonable or if they're upset because their stay was less than perfect, do not respond in anger- just remain calm & try to problem-solve together so everyone feels like themselves again!

It is important to remain professional and calm when dealing with a difficult customer, even if it seems they are not listening. Should the guest refuse your solutions or continue being disruptive, then you should follow company policy by calling for security help.

It's tough sometimes having to deal with people who don't seem like they want anything but trouble; however, there are ways of handling them that will hopefully convince them their behavior was inappropriate and maybe offer some incentives as well to keep things cordial.

Make sure you double-check the guest profiles before confirming any bookings. If for some reason anything feels off or suspicious at all, it’s okay to send them a message asking if they can confirm something further about themselves. Stay safe and happy hosting!

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